Call to Book: 01327 700 170

There’s never been a better time to become a member!
60 Points per month | £27.00 per month |
90 Points per month | £40.50 per month |
120 Points per month | £54.00 per month |
150 Points per month | £67.50 per month |
and so on… Each point costs 45 pence |
Spend your points on any tanning, nail and beauty treatments.
Save £7 compared to a 60 Minute Sunbed Course
Each point is a minute on our sunbeds so 10 mins = 10 points
Sun Angel sessions will cost you less each time
Nail and Beauty treatments work out far cheaper eg. a £40 treatment works out at £32.85 (an 18% saving)
How does it work? / How do I pay? / What happens when I come for a treatment?
So instead of paying for your treatments or sunbeds each time you visit the salon, you set up a monthly direct debit for a set amount which should approximately reflect your level of usage.
We can help you calculate an estimation of how many points on average you are going to use each month, and all you pay is the monthly direct debit for that number of points (left over points on your account will build up and accumulate).
Paying for your treatments this way means you save loads – you are getting a great deal for being a loyal and regular customer!
If your usage or circumstances change, you can alter your monthly payment to reflect this. (see t&c’s below).
As a member, when you come in for a sunbed or appointment, you just have your treatment and go – no need to pay anything further at the salon – it makes life a bit simpler, and also helps with your monthly household budgeting.
Our membership programme has been running for over 15 years and we still have members that have been active for that whole period, generally our members are our happiest customers as they always get the best deal.
Every treatment works out cheaper
To calculate how much each individual treatment costs as a member:
Find out the normal price of the treatment (eg £40). Look on the conversion table to find out how many member points this will use – in this case 73 points. Multiply the number of member points you are using by 45p (this is how much you are paying for each point). So 73 points multiplied by 45p is £32.85 (73 x 0.45). You have therefore paid £7.15 less for a £40 treatment – bargain! Remember you save every time you have any treatment including sunbeds (sunbeds cost just 1 point – 45p – per minute!) which adds up to a lot of money saved over the month / year.
Conversion Table for Treatments
£1 | 2 Points |
£5 | 10 Points |
£10 | 19 Points |
£15 | 28 Points |
£20 | 37 Points |
£25 | 46 Points |
£30 | 55 Points |
£35 | 64 Points |
£40 | 73 Points |
£45 | 82 Points |
£50 | 91 Points |
£55 | 100 Points |
For treatments that cost different prices eg. £28, get the conversion for the nearest price below (in this example £25 = 46 points) then add £3 = 6 points to make a total of 52 points (46 + 6).
When there is a price increase for membership, you may be contacted to advise that a new updated 6 month contract is required for you to continue as a member. If you do not wish to sign a new contract you will be given the option of cancelling at the end of the calendar month, or continuing for a maximum of 3 months (at the fee level on your most recent signed contract).
Member points can be used for specific tanning, nail, and beauty treatments subject to availability.
The number of points required for each treatment will be displayed in the salon and website at all times and are subject to change.
Member points cannot be exchanged for cash, or transferred to non-members.
Member points will be added to your account at the start of each calendar month regardless of the date of your direct debit.
Member points that are unused by the end of the month will accumulate and build to form a running total or ‘account balance’.
Your account balance can also be a negative figure if you use more points than you have accumulated on your account, (members who run out of points may go ‘overdrawn’ without penalty at the salon manager’s discretion).
The maximum level of credit you can accumulate is 1000 points for levels 60 & 90, 1500 points for levels 120 & 150, and 2000 points for levels 180 and above. Any member points accumulated above these figures will be lost.
Member points can be transferred between members in blocks of 60 points. Maximum one transfer per member per month.
Members may continue to use the salon whilst in arrears on their account at the salon manager’s discretion, on the understanding that they catch up with their points at a later date and do not cancel their membership whilst overdrawn.
If a member is overdrawn at the time that their membership is ended they must pay for the outstanding points.
Extra points can be added to any member’s account (minimum 60 points) at a cost of 50p per point, which must be paid at reception.
Please ask any member of staff if you need to know your ‘account balance’ (how many points you are in credit/arrears). It is always up to date on the computer in reception.
We are unable to provide statements but we can do a print out of all the treatments you have had at the salon on request.
We have stringent controls in place to ensure you are charged and credited the correct number of points. If you wish to dispute your account this will involve a considerable amount of work and will be charged at £25. If we have made an error resulting in you having less points than you should have, we will refund the £25.
You must inform us promptly if you are not satisfied with anything.
Members with LUX or PRO accelerator cream as part of their membership can have a 15ml disposable pot of cream from the applicable selection of member creams behind reception for each sunbed session.
If a member books a treatment and doesn’t turn up / turns up more than 15 minutes late / or cancels at short notice (on the day of the appointment) the member will have 20 points automatically deducted from their account for each treatment. If a member does it twice within 30 days they will be deducted 40 points on the second (and subsequent) occasions.
Further terms and conditions of membership are detailed on the reverse of the Ashbourne Management Services Contract.
Please note when reading the contract that membership is for a minimum term of 6 months and cannot be cancelled early.
Membership will continue beyond the minimum term on a month by month basis until the member wishes to cancel.
TO CANCEL please contact the salon manager before you intend to make your final payment to ensure you are not overdrawn on your account, we can then contact Ashbourne on your behalf if you wish.
Use of salon facilities may be suspended due to non/late payment of the membership fee, at the discretion of the salon manager.
When membership is ended, any points you may have in credit on your account will be lost; we therefore advise that you use your points up before cancelling your membership.
Membership can be upgraded or downgraded or LUX/PRO cream added or stopped, by contacting the salon manager and arranging a new 6 month contract to reflect the desired changes. Please note that the membership fees may have risen since your last contract.
Please ensure your account balance is not overdrawn at the date of cancellation as you will need to pay for any outstanding points (at a cost of 50p per point).