Call to Book: 01327 700 170
NEW! Sun Angel

Below is all the info for our NEW Sun Angel sunbed, for details and prices for all of our other lie-down and stand-up sunbeds and the leg tanner, Click here
Pay As You Go (PAYG) Each session is 20 minutes | Single session @ £15 (First session half price – only £7.50!) |
Courses | 6 Session Course £75 (£12.50 per session) |
The Ergoline Sun Angel sunbed gives you a deeper, darker, longer lasting tan! The intelligent skin sensor technology will analyse your skin and set the UV output to the maximum level your skin needs to go brown without burning. Production of Vitamin D is stimulated by these controlled levels of UVA & UVB light from the unique Sun Angel tanning lamps. Everything is carefully designed to provide an optimal tanning environment whilst significantly reducing the risk of over-exposure. This means it’s a safer way to tan. The Sun Angel is in a class of it’s own!
Q. Why is each Sun Angel session 20 mins long?
A. The skin tans better with a longer session time but there needs to be a balance with time and convenience. You’ll get better results on a Sun Angel than with a normal sunbed designed for shorter sessions.
Q. Why do people with darker and fairer skin have the same session length?
A. If you have a darker complexion or have attained a tan already, the sensor will recognise this and set the UV output to a higher level. Clients with fairer skin will still have a 20 minute session but the sensor will calibrate the UV output to a lower level. Whatever your skin type the Sun Angel will ensure optimal results by adjusting the settings to the point where you achieve maximum tanning results without burning.
Q. What happens on my first / second visit?
A. We’ll show you how to use all of the controls on the Sun Angel and we’ll ask you a couple of questions regarding your skin type / how easily you tan. This will determine whether we get you to scan (sensor) on your first visit or not. If you don’t scan, this means the bed is set on the lowest intensity mode. If you are fair, we recommend using the lowest setting for your first 2 visits.
On your second visit (which should be within 2 – 3 days) we will get you to take a reading of your skin with the Sun Angel skin sensor (usually on your forehead and forearm). This will calculate the maximum UV your skin can safely take during your 20-minute tanning session.
Q. Can I use my sunbed course or membership points to pay for a session on the Sun Angel?
A. Yes! A 20 minute Sun Angel session will use 30 minutes on a sunbed course, or 30 points on your membership.
Tanning Advice & Guidelines…
Please read the following for optimum safety when using sunbeds;
- UK Law states that customers must be at least 18 years old to use a sunbed. All customers are required to complete a registration form, and to sign and confirm that they are over 18. You may be asked for identification to prove your age.
- All customers using the salon will have an account opened on our salon management system (Salon Tracker); only the account holder is allowed in the sunbed room for the duration of their sunbed session, no friends, no children. This is also to comply with UK law. There is a waiting area in reception.
- An indoor sunbed should be treated with the same caution as normal sunlight.
- It is recommended that an interval of approximately 24 hours is left between each tanning session, and approximately 48 hours after the first session. Never repeat tanning if any soreness remains from previous sunbathing or tanning.
- The sunbed timers are set by the receptionist and can be switched on by the customer. If you wish to finish your session early, simply get out of the sunbed and press the blue start/stop button on the timer on the wall to switch the lamps off (you can re-start it in the same way).
- Always remove contact lenses if worn, and wear eye protection. Keep eyes closed and avoid looking directly at the light tubes.
- It is recommended that make-up, lipstick, perfumed body lotions and sprays are removed before using a sunbed. No suntan preparations or lotions should be applied unless they are specifically formulated for use on sunbeds. Suitable accelerator creams are available from reception. DO NOT USE solarium oil sprays in this salon.
- Do not follow or preceed your sunbed session with any other form of heat treatment including hot baths, saunas, waxing, use of dipiliatories or normal sunbathing.
- DO YOU: Suffer from ill effects of normal sunbathing, epilepsy, diabetes, heart condition, high blood pressure, hormone irregularities, headaches/migrane, hypertension, fainting/giddiness, prickly heat, cold sores, moles, allergies?
- ARE YOU: Currently under medical supervision; prescribed or taking any form of drug, ointment/lotion, anti-biotic or tranquiliser; pregnant or hypersensitive to light?
- If the answer to any of these questions is yes, please seek medical advice to ensure optimum safety when using sunbeds or sunbathing normally.